Chihuahua, Mexico Time Zone - Chihuahua Mexico Current Time - Daylight Saving Time
Current Local Time |
Chihuahua, Mexico is in the Central Time Zone
The Current Time in most of Chihuahua is: Sunday 2/9/2025 12:35 PM UTC-06:00 Chihuahua is observing Central Standard Time UTC-6 year round with the exception of Chihuahua municipalities which share a border with the United States. |
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Chihuahua, Mexico Local Time Details |
Time Zone
Central Standard Time - is abbreviated as CST |
Important Note: Chihuahua has announced that effective 10/30/2022 the state will observe GMT/UTC - 6h year round, however, Chihuahua municipalities which share a border with the United States will continue to observe a daylight light saving time pattern consistent with the United States. Previously: Chihuahua was GMT/UTC - 7h during Standard Time Chihuahua was GMT/UTC - 6h during Daylight Saving Time |
Daylight Saving
Chihuahua does not utilize Daylight Saving Time. |
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